Saturday, November 21, 2009

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

I wanna get my 3 month old daughter into modeling or something . Everyone keeps telling me to start now and not to wait but I dont know where to take her... any links or webpages, or any type of info that can help please... to see pics of my unusually pretty baby go to my myspace.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

I know this may sound mean, but your baby looks like an average baby to me. Every mother thinks their child is the most beautiful one ever, and people will tell you that, because they know you're proud. Enjoy your little one how she is, don't get caught up in the superficial. Let her make the choice when she is old enough to get into modeling.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

I'm don't fancy that answer too much only because of the simple fact that you are the first person to ever Hadaye (my daughter) is average looking. Its not only looks its the special presence a certain baby may bring. You obviously are just a hater. Report It

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

Hope this helps you.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

Why would you do that to your baby? Let her be a baby!!! She's 3 months old for pete's sake. I can't stand moms who enter their young kids in beauty pagents and stuff like that. I mean just take a look at what happened to JonBenet Ramsey. Do you want that to happen to your kid? I know she's only 3 months but I just read a story of a rape of a 9 month old. Let your baby be what she is...a BABY!!!

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

Please, let her be! Let her be a regular baby and a regular child...

Or, perhaps you would like her to be a pretty 'thing'.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

The only one I know is Expecting Models.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

Just let her be. She's only 3 months old!!!... Wait until she's able to tell you what she wants.

Help, Cute Baby!!!!!!!!!!?

She is cute. One thing you have to think of is all the other cute babies out there. Also you are 18 years old. You have enough to deal with. My son just started modeling and it is really stressful to me sometimes. Never stressful to him of course! Most places are very understanding about babies needs. Sometimes I have to drive 6-8 hours in the middle of the week for a shoot. It takes alot of commitment on the part of the parent. Here is a new pic of my 5 month old son.

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