There is this man I've never met, but he is a friend of a friend and I talk to him on myspace. He's nice and cute and my friend speaks well of him and I trust my friend's opinion.
So, after flirting with each other in several messages, he recently sent me a message saying he was coming to my city in a few weeks.
Well, I told him if he wanted a tour of the city let me know, and I'd hook him up.
I mean, I trust him since he knows my friend.
Anyway, He wrote back ,
'Right on girl, I might take you up on that tour."
That's all he wrote, nothing else.
He never wrote, I'll let you know when I'll be there or anything.
Just, 'I might take you up on that tour.'
Was he just blowing me off?
I do not want to email back and say anything else and look stupid.
Remember he was flirting with me so, he seemed interested.
Now..I'm not so sure.
What you say?
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
There's only one way to know if he is blowing you off. If January comes and goes and you do not hear a word from him then you know.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
its the internet.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
I think it was his way of saying, "I might take you up on that." Usually, guys mean just what they're saying. There's no alternate meaning.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
*** maybe he's leaving his options open...doesn't wanna commit to anything. i wouldn't write him back. if he decides to give u a call u can decide what u wanna do then.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
Wait and see what happens...flirting is just natural to some people, whether they are interested in you or not...of course his reply may just be his way of saying "sounds great" without wanting to come across as too eager...
If he comes to town and you don't see him, that'll be a brush off...right now, it's not happened yet...
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
Don't expect him to contact you for the tour. He was "politely" brushing you off.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
I say it sounds like he's interested, but doesnt want to come on too strong.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
So there is no ambiguity, I would simply reply back and say something like, "Well, when you are coming to town just let me know if you would like to meet and we'll make arrangements". It is not pushy, just very clearly putting the ball in his court. Then you just let it go, and if it happens, it happens. If not - it was not meant to be.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
i think you are smart enought to realize if he is playing with you or not. use your instincts. what does your gut tell you to do? that is what you should be asking. and if all else fails, just wait until he contacts you again. don't run to him, make him run to you. my mom always told me that, and well, it worked. i've been with my man for a very long time now, and i didn't run. he did. :)
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
He said "I might take you up on that tour" so he might. He might not. You said "I'll hook you up"- meaning.. what? You'll get him a ticket on a tour bus? You didn't say "I will gladly be your guide"
Be normal- it sounds like a harmless, generic thing to say. I wouldn't read anything into it. If he looks you up, great. If not, no big deal- he's a guy you've been flirting with over myspace- hardly a commitment or anything of deep meaning.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
He seems like you need to get to know him better! Make sure you talk to your friend about this and see what they think.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
He could have meant that in a flirty way... some guys flirt in a different sense... just msg him back and say you wont regret it or something
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
Not neccesarily. You did leave out a few important details, like how long has it been since he e-mailed back, and what makes you think you can't just e-mail about other stuff? Keep that connection open for a better chance at a future meeting. It's okay to tell him you're looking forward to meeting him too. That's just good manners, you can't go wrong with that. If he continues not to answer after that, then let it go for now, you don't know what's going on in his life. Good luck!
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
i think it means we will get nice time each other on that tour . Dont worry when he comes he will let you know, for sure
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
I'd say let him make the next move. You sent him an engraved invitation, and if is that stupid, stay away from him he sounds mentally unstable. Another thing, NEVER TRUST anyone but yourself. You may not believe this, but there are alot of sicko's out there. Make sure you have a few dates in a very populated area until YOU are sure that he will be alright to be with. Most men aren't worth a first look.
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
He didn't exactly say that "I will take your offer", he said "I might take your offer". Maybe he has some other plans or someone already offered him a tour before you and he accepted? Not sure about that part.
But if he did accept your offer, he should have told you when he's coming. Maybe he's a last minute guy or he's not sure if he's able to come to your city? Not sure about that either.
I don't think you will make fool of yourself by asking him when he's coming or taking your offer. You can say something like..."I want to know when you are coming so I can plan ahead and we can have good time!".
Then he can say that he's coming for sure or he's taking your offer for sure or whatever. If answer is "No", I'm sorry. But there's nothing wrong with being nice! Good luck!
Is this dude brushing me off, or what?
First of all, unless this guy is totally clueless, he knew you meant that YOU would be giving him the tour.
I doubt he thought you were offering a bus trip especially considering you two were flirting leading up to your offer.
Part of me wants to say he brushed you off, because of how short his response was to your offer. He did not even say,
"I might take you up on that tour, I'll let you know."
Then again, what was the "right on girl", right before he said he might take you up on the tour?
Sounds like he is saying he will take you up on it.
Also, why would he even mention he was coming to your town, I would have taken that as some hint he wanted to meet.
Here's the bottom line, even if your friend is his friend, he lives in another place, you have no idea what he's up to in reality.
You offered him the tour and told him to "Let you know."
The rest is up to him.
I would not email him back asking for any clarification.
He was offered, you told him to let you know, now the ball is in court.
Obviously if you never receive another message he was brushing you off.
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