Saturday, November 28, 2009

OK... what is a photo bucket bandwidth and why/how does it get exceeded?

b/c on my myspace i found a really cute layout but on the extended network and the contact box it says "photobucket bandwidth exceeded and i have no idea what it is or if i can fix it so... HELP ME!

OK... what is a photo bucket bandwidth and why/how does it get exceeded?

Nope, you can't fix it. People can upload pictures to Photobucket for free, but they're only allowed to be accessed/downloaded a certain number of times. You'll see this a lot with Myspace backgrounds and such - they get put on so many people's pages and viewed by so many people per day that they quickly exceed this limit.

OK... what is a photo bucket bandwidth and why/how does it get exceeded?

What that means is, that layout is used by lots of people on myspace, bandwich is limited to how many times an image from the location is allowed to be viewed/streamed/downloaded. If you only get 1gb transfer per day, that equivelant to 1000 visitors. Say you used a generic layout that can be used but other people. If say 100 people have that layout across myspace and each has like 10 friends, you do the math, eventually that layout/images/files will get timedout to limit bandwhich/visitors/file transfers.

OK... what is a photo bucket bandwidth and why/how does it get exceeded?

I have found another website that u can ask your questions and answer

other's questions.It also pays u to do so.I have been paid 10$ for

asking my questions so far.U can ask this question there too.

I hope it will be more helpful.

for more information u can visit:

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